Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sangiovese - Updated 8/17/11


The Sangiovese always amazes us!  The weight of the Sangiovese crop is never very different from the weight of the other red grapes in the upper vineyard.  They thrive in this weather and they seem to have gotten the best of all the root stocks we experimented with. 
Here are the numbers:

271 pounds
Brix 26
Acid .57
Ph 3.6

We pressed out 5 gallons of juice to ferment as a rose'.  The rest is fermenting on the skins.

Sangiovese Rose' - Stanley added white yeast.
Sangiovese on Skins - Stanley added a portion of the Red Grape Blend to the Sangiovese on Skins.  They started fermenting almost immediately.

Sangiovese Rose' - Still fermenting lightly
Sangiovese on Skins - We pressed the grapes this morning.  Resulting in 16 gallons of wine.

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