Friday, November 7, 2008

A. First Wine Experience 2007


August 13 We picked up the Cabernet Sauvignon grapes from Casa Madero. Oscar helped us load them. We paid Irma 1,000 pesos for 100 kilos of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes from Lot 1. We took the grapes to Perote and crushed them that day. About 1% of the grapes were unusable. Brix 23.5 August 14 I took a dozen red roses to Casa Madero for the staff that had been so helpful. Brix 13.5

That same day we did the first crushing.

August 16
Brix .5

August 17 We pressed the grapes. Ten gallons of free run. Approximately 7.5 gallons of pressed wine.
Brix .0

Temperature in the bodega where grapes fermented was between 75 and 85 degrees.
For photos go to
Things to think about for next year:

Check all buckets for leaks before adding wine.
Oil the press with good quality olive oil.
Have a lot of buckets on hand.
Know where several funnels, strainers, and small pitchers can be located in case of equipment failure.
If pressing is done in the bodega office, remember that the floor cannot be washed.
Arrange for more wooden blocks for the press.
Do not add commercial wine to anything until you throw away the grape cake.
Buy or borrow a piece of pipe that actually fits the press ratchet. Rebar works in a pinch.
Early morning is a good time to start pressing.
Plan for a siesta in the hammock in the afternoon.

December 2007
While Scott was still here, we bottled three gallons of Cabernet Sauvignon wine. With no corker, we took the bottles to the bodega to cork them up. Quite an experience.

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